Monday, July 19, 2010

Mood Enhancing Foods

Obviously being a foodie means I believe eating can cure most things ( a dangerous notion I know!). For years now whenever I am a bit fed up I make the same thing – pasta with tomato sauce. I don't know what it is about this dish that cheers me up so much, I think it's the reminders of sunny days in Italy with friends. Tomato sauce can be so delicious smell so great it immediately lifts my mood and pasta is something I could not live without. Oh and there has to be basil to in the sauce.

Leave your comment on the food you like to eat when you are in a low mood.


  1. For me, the ultimate comfort foods are either spaghetti with a nice meat ragu, or steak (rare) with baked potatoes, mushrooms (there must be mushrooms), a salad and a glass of a nice red. You can tell I've had a tough week when one of these features on the menu Friday night!

  2. For me, there's nothing more comforting than a big plate of buttery mash :)

  3. I love mashed potatoes too. I think my last meal would be steak and mashed potatoes - good choices keep them coming!
