Saturday, July 24, 2010

What’s Your Guilty Pleasure

Regardless of our refined our tastes may be, we all have a few guilty pleasures. Foods that we just love even though we know we shouldn't. I am very much against processed food, but there are some to which I just can't seem to shake my addiction! I have to admit that a lot of these were introduced to me on my trips to the US, like Twinkies, peppermint patties and potato bread. Even now back in Zambia I crave potato bread hot dogs. I also love canned pasta, especially Heinz Macaroni Cheese. When I was in Italy I fell in love with Kinder Brioche, a type of oblong cake that Italians like to eat for breakfast. Again I still pine after these tasty sponge cakes that are just wonderful dipped in coffee and I wonder why they have never been for sale in the UK. Then of course the ultimate sin – pork fat (crispy) and roast chicken skin. Most of my guilty pleasures are comfort foods or foods that remind me of a particular time in my life. Sometimes it's just reverting back to my childhood, who doesn't want to do that every now and then?

So, share with me, what's your list of guilty pleasures?


  1. York peppermint patties are good, but I've since found better ways to get my peppermint and chocolate fix, but I still love peanut butter cups!If I can't get those I will just eat peanut butter on chocolate ice cream. I don't know why I admit these things on the internet sometimes!

  2. As a 'serious foodie' of course I only dine on the finest delicacies (you can pass me the Heinz Spaghetti Hoops when no-one's looking, can't you?)

  3. Ha, I have found some kindred spirits!

  4. Mr. Goodbar and Reese's peanut butter cups. Sigh.

  5. hey! potato bread is actually better for you than plain white bread, especially if you get the Martin's Whole Wheat Potato Bread. It's got 4g of fiber/slice!
