Sunday, June 05, 2011


I know it has been a while since I have posted regularly. After moving a couple of times, my husband and I are now firmly settled in wonderful Asheville. I have been working on a cookbook that I plan to self-publish at the urging of my better half. It will be about seasonal food in the local area but the recipes of course, will be good anywhere!
I want to thank all my visitors who still keep me motivated, please carry on checking out my musings on food and stay tuned for the cookbook!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! We moved to Zambia in January and I've just found your blog. I really, really wish you were here now.

    Do you know of any other foodies who are still here? I'd love to get in touch with them.

    Please help! So far most people I've come across have their help cook for them.
    thanks, KXJ (

    p.s. Funny, we've thought about retiring in Asheville.
